Friday, October 15, 2010


Another Thursday approached, another hCG test, another result. Good news...the level continues to drop. We are in the home stretch. Next Thursday will be another results day. I'm feeling good about it...I think we will be scheduling my hysteroscopy shortly. Shanda, my nurse, said once I get to zero and once I get my menses, I will start birth control pills (bcp) again and then we will be able to set a date for surgery. Yes! Not that I'm thrilled to be having surgery but I'm grateful we'll be able to get the show on the road.

Last evening I watched the current episode of Grey's Anatomy. Meredith Grey's life, somewhat, resembles my life, in terms of strength and survival. She is beginning her fertility journey (I prefer to say fertility journey instead of the dreaded word of "infertility") and has survived her mother's fight through Alzheimer's. (Side Note: not that the show or any form of media has portrayed the disease correctly. I wish producers, actors, directors would meet with real life families who have experienced this heart-wrenching, disgusting, rancid disease. When they play a musician, they take lessons, when they play an athlete, they practice hardcore. Come on people! Get with the program when it comes to portraying a disease correctly!) Anyhoo, Meredith is contemplating finding out if she has the Alzheimer's gene (also somewhat dumb because there is only one link of an Alzheimer's gene and there are many forms of Alzheimer's. Just because you don't have the gene doesn't mean you are free and clear. Okay, enough of my rant with that.) As Derek and Meredith are turning out the lights Derek says to Meredith, referring to their baby journey and with the worry of getting Alzheimer's, (the quote deserves its own line)...

"Whatever happens, happens. Let's just live."

Enough said.

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